
Introduction - Storellet is an app that provides gourmet information and restaurant membership services. It allows users to browse restaurant information, book tables, and receive exclusive discounts and promotions.



User Interview & Testing

Data Visualization

Mobile Responsive

2 months - Team



Problem Identification: Client aims to offer their brand app to partner merchants as a revenue-generating opportunity. The cost of implementing the brand app is kept low, and partners have the flexibility to customize its style by leveraging the white label functionality.


First, we have developed a ''Professional food hunter'' persona to help identify the specific needs and pain points for the Storellet's target users. Moreover, by mapping out the user journey map, we can visualise the entire user experience, from the initial interaction with the app to achieving user goals.


The insights from the user journey map guided the creation of the brand app's architecture. By analyzing user touch points and goals, we designed an intuitive structure and optimized flow. The wireframes visually represent the layout and functionality, ensuring a seamless and user-centric experience.


Design Demonstration: After creating a design language system for Storellet brand app, we proceeded to implement the design across various screens and components. Additionally, we have provided the demo for different branding style, the partner have the flexibility to customize the it by leveraging the white label functionality.

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